Women's and Children's Health


I.          Membership

A.        The committee shall consist of eight members: an elected Chairperson and a designated representative from each official Regional Association Group.

B.        The Chairperson is elected in odd years to serve a two (2) year term.

C.        Regional members are appointed to serve alternating two (2) year terms.

1.         Four (4) members appointed in even years: Region F, Western, Eastern, South Central

2.         Three (3) members appointed in odd years: Foothills, North Central, Coastal

II.        Duties of Committee

A.        Keep abreast of Women and Children’s Health (WCH) issues of concern to the membership by soliciting input from regional representatives.

B.        Identify problems encountered in developing, implementing and assuring quality of WCH programs in local health departments.  Share information and problem solve to improve WCH programs.

C.        Communicate public health nursing needs related to WCH activities to Governing Board of Association.

D.        Chairperson represents membership of Association and local WCH programs by attending meeting of WCH Committee of Local Health Director’s Association