

I.          Membership

A.        The committee shall consist of eight members: the elected Chairperson, four (4) elected members, the immediate NCAPHNA past president, the current Bylaws/Handbook Chair, and the current Personnel Chair.

B.        The Chairperson is elected in odd years for a two-year term.

C.        Members are elected to serve alternating two-year terms:

1.         Four (4) members elected in the even years.

2.         Four (4) members elected in the odd years.

II.        Nominating Duties

A.        Post conference

Chairperson attends Governing Board meeting immediately after the Annual Conference.

B.        Nominating Interim duties

1.         Call a meeting of the Committee (Chairperson will call this meeting) within 90-120 days after the Annual Conference.  Committee members will review the following documents prior to the meeting.

a.         The most current Public Health Nursing Directory from the Office of Public Health Nursing and Professional Development.

b.         The roster of persons who are currently serving and who have previously served the Association (obtain from the Secretary).

c.                   The names of people who indicated an interest in serving, (to be obtained during the Annual Conference - Addendum A.)

d.         Complete a list of suggestions for persons – in order of first, second and third choice.  Bring this list to the meeting.

2.         Identify possible candidates; prepare a draft of officers and committee members to be elected as stated in the Bylaws.

3.         Contact possible candidates and seek their consent to have their names placed in nomination.  If the form letter is not returned by date specified, a phone call will be made.  (Addendum C)
4.         Assure that there is a clear understanding about who accepts the responsibility of asking each particular candidate to serve so that no duplication occurs.  Use Association stationery and the form letter, which can be obtained from the Secretary.

5.         Obtain a short vita for candidate when confirmation is made for candidate to have name placed on the ballot.  (See Addendum C-1)

6.         Make a ballot for each member:

a.         Prepare a slate with at least two (2) names for each office, if possible.  Include the short vitae (sent in the premailed information) on the ballot.

b.         Assure that Committee representation on the ballot will be as stated in the Bylaws.

c.         Secure Governing Board approval, prior to printing, of the cost of printing the ballot and the number of ballots to be printed.

7.         Keep President informed of any pertinent information and/or problems encountered in soliciting nominees.

8.         All Nominating Committee records (correspondence, minutes, etc.) are to be maintained by Chairperson.

9.         Turn in receipts and itemized statement of costs to the Treasurer at least 30 days prior to the Annual Conference. (Example: printing of ballots, phone calls, postage).

10.       Send a progress report(s) to the Secretary prior to Governing Board meetings.

11.       Mail all ballots to the voting members in a pre-conference mailing.  Ballots are to be returned to the designated person by designated date determined by the Governing Board.

12.       Prior to the Annual Meeting, the NCAPHNA President appoints three (3) tellers, designating one (1) as a chair. Names shall not appear on the ballot.

13.              Tellers count the ballots prior to the Annual Meeting.

14.              Chairperson of the Tellers will give report of election to Nominating Committee Chairperson and current President prior to the Annual Meeting.

15.              Nominating Committee Chairperson notifies elected members prior to Annual Conference.

            C.        Membership Interim Duties

1.         Chairperson calls a meeting of the committee within 90-120 days after the Annual Conference.

2.         Maintain an updated membership and associate membership list.

a.         Membership

1.)        Obtain most current PHN Directory from the Office of Public Health Nursing and Professional Development.  Identify PHN Supervisor, Directors, consultants and lead nurse on file with the Office of Public Health Nursing and Professional Development.

2.)        For counties that have developed an alternate personnel system, the lead public health nurse administrator in the health department will present the job specifications that are comparable to OSP PHN management series to the membership committee.

                                                3.)       The committee will compare the local job specifications.  If
                                                            the two job specifications are comparable and if the
                                                            position does require a R.N., then the Membership
                                                            Committee will recommend to the Executive Board that a
                                                             nurse working in the specific job be accepted as full
                                                             member of the Association.

4.)        If the Governing Board approves the position for full membership, the name or names of the nurses will be given to the State Director of PHN, thus allowing these nurses to be on file with the Office of Public Health Nursing and Professional Development.  These nurses will also be eligible to attend the regional association groups and attend the supervisory courses offered by the Office of Public Health Nursing and Professional Development.

5.)        The job specification/description will be reviewed annually by the Membership Committee.

b.         Associate Membership

1.)        Nurses currently licensed in N.C. who are employed in administration in local or state public health agencies (whose position does not require a registered nurse), all DHHS consultants, nursing personnel from the Office of Public Health Nursing and Professional Development and nurses who are employed in North Carolina baccalaureate or master level nursing education programs with teaching responsibilities in public health curricula may complete an application for Associate Membership.

2.)        New Associate member’s application must be submitted to the Membership Committee as least 90 days prior to the Annual Meeting.

3.)        The Associate member applicant, other than DHHS Consultants and nursing personnel from the Office of Public Health Nursing and Professional Development, must be sponsored by an active member of the Association.

4.)        The Chairperson will verify license number with the N.C. Board of Nursing.

5.)        If the Governing Board approves the Associate member, the Membership Committee will send an acceptance letter to the applicant and will give the applicant’s name to the Regional Representative.

3.         Prepare and present name tags to the membership at the Annual Meeting.

III.       Chairperson

A.        Notify the committee members and the President in writing of the meeting date, time and place.

B.        Prepare written report following each meeting and submit to the Governing Board.

See Addendum J for application for NCAPHNA Associate member.
IV.                      Annual Conference

A.                Chairman of Committee will give a report of election at the Annual

B.                 Present all materials and correspondence used during previous year to
newly elected Chairperson at the end of the Annual Conference.