Elizabeth S. Holley Public Health Nurse Scholarship

I.          Membership

A.        The committee shall consist of three (3) members: an elected Chairperson, a Chair-elect, and one (1) elected member.

B.        The Chairperson is elected in even years for a two (2) year term and the Chair-elect in the odd years.

C.        The member is elected to serve a two (2) year terms in the even years.

D.        The Treasurer is an ex-officio member.

II.        Purpose

A.        Publicize the availability of this scholarship and identify past recipients.

B.        Encourage members to contribute to this fund.

C.        Encourage members to identify Public Health Nurses who could benefit from this award and suggest they apply. Increase the number of recipients from 3 to 4 as funding allows.

D.        Provide applications to members of the Executive Committee and ask Regional Representatives to distribute copies.

E.         Evaluate the scholarship fund process and make recommendations to the Executive Committee.

III.       Procedures

A.        The Chairperson presents a report of the scholarship process to the members of the Governing Board.

B.        Distribute copies of the application noting the deadline for receipt of applications.

C.        Ask Regional Representatives to distribute a copy of the scholarship information to Nursing Directors and Supervisors in each county and encourage deserving individuals to apply.  This is to be done in January of each year in order that applications can be distributed in a timely manner prior to the deadline.

D.      The Chairperson presents an Annual Report to the Governing Board prior to the
          Annual Conference.  Each year this report is updated by adding the latest recipient
          (announced during the annual NCAPHNA meeting) and any changes suggested by
          the Scholarship Committee. 
Revised 1994, 1995, 2007, 2011
The Annual Report includes: 
1.         Description and purpose of the award.                      

2.         Amount of annual scholarship.

3.         Names of individuals who have received the scholarships.

4.         Any changes in award or process which have been approved by the Executive Committee.

5.         Encourage individuals and groups to make voluntary contributions to this fund.

6.         Encourage Association members to publicize this scholarship and encourage appropriate candidates to apply for this scholarship.

Copies of this report are available during the Annual Meeting of the Association.  The Chairperson presents a brief report at this meeting.

E.         Notify the committee members and the President in writing of meeting date, time and place.

F.         Ensure that the written procedures outlined above are implemented in a timely fashion.

IV.       Amount of Scholarship

Will be determined by the Governing Board.