

I.          Membership

A.        The committee shall consist of ten (10) members: an elected Chairperson, immediate past Chairperson, Chairperson-elect, and a representative from each of the seven (7) NCAPHNA Regional groups (elected by the groups and not already serving on the committee).

B.        All the elected members shall be elected during the odd numbered calendar years.

C.        The terms of office shall be two years.

D.        Consideration should be given to having at least one (1) member who lives in close proximity to Raleigh.

II.        Duties of Committee

A.        Keep abreast of legislative activities of concern to the membership.

B.        Keep membership informed of pending legislation, when possible, and stimulate active involvement.

C.        Act with the approval of the Executive Committee, on behalf of the Association and Public Health Nursing personnel and/or legislators regarding legislative concerns.  Bills for the same are to be submitted to the Treasurer.

D.        Arrange, upon approval by Executive Committee, for information mailings to all Public Health Nursing Personnel and/or legislators regarding legislative concerns.  Bills for the same are to be submitted to the Treasurer.

E.         Present written report for the Association Secretary with a brief oral presentation to the entire membership at the Annual Conference Business Session.

F.         Chairperson will be responsible for bringing copies of the report to the Annual Conference for distribution to the entire membership.  (Check with Secretary for number.)

G.        Review and update legislative platform.

H.        Promote coordination/cooperation with NCNA/NCPHA.

I.          Sell Legislative Manuals to old and new members of the Association and other interested groups/individuals.  The price will be determined by the Executive Committee of the North Carolina Association of Public Health Nurse Administrators.

III.       Roles

A.        Elected Members

Each of the two (2) Association-elected committee members will have a designated role with well-defined distribution of responsibilities.  The Chairperson will be responsible for coordinating these activities, for convening meetings, and for providing reports to the Governing Board/Executive Committee.

In order to activate the committee immediately and effect change in the political process, a plan of action needs to be formulated.  Letting our elected representative know what kind of laws we WANT is a vital part of our political system.  The following committee roles become effective immediately after election:

1.         State Liaison

Be familiar with the state legislature.  Prepare state legislative priorities for approval by the Association.  Keep watch on state health bills of concern and request an alert when membership action can be most effective.

2.         National Liaison

Be familiar with the National Congress.  Prepare national legislative priorities for approval by the Association.  Keep watch on health bills of concern in both houses of the Congress and request an alert when membership action can be most effective.

3.         Telephone Network Coordinator

Set up pre-planned telephone network with Regional Legislative Representatives.  Respond to alerts by notifying Regional Legislative Representatives to trigger telephone chain into action.

4.         Legislative Correspondence Writer

Be secretary for committee meetings.  Respond to alerts by writing letters stating the position of the entire Association with approval of the Executive Committee.

B.        Regional Legislative Representatives

1.         Be familiar with state and national legislative issues.

2.         Set up pre-planned regional telephone network with Regional Legislative Representatives as the “initial” contact for the Regional Group.

3.         Respond to state or national alerts by triggering the regional telephone chain into action or by writing regional letters to designated legislators.

4.         Attend and participate in all meetings of the Legislative Committee, or send an “alternate” representative from the Regional Group.

5.         Report to the Regional Group, on a quarterly basis, the activities of the Association’s Legislative Committee, including a legislative update.

6.         Offer regional input into the formulation of the legislative platform.

C.        Process for Legislative Alert

1.         Chairperson
a.         Discuss legislative issues at Governing Board meetings so that they are alert to and can decide appropriateness of expected legislative actions.

b.         Institute alerts:

1.)        Legislative Chairperson receives request for a legislative alert.

2.)        Legislative Chairperson calls the President.

3.)        Legislative Chairperson obtains the consensus of the Executive Committee as to the action to be instituted to initiate this particular alert, and the best format for the alert (written or telephone).  (Reference: President, VI., I., J. on P. 2b)

c.         Develop legislative alert

1.)        All legislative alerts, regardless of format, should contain at least the following information:
What is the problem?
What is the House or Senate Bill #?
What will the Bill do?
Where is the Bill?
Who are we to call or write?
What action is being asked of the legislators?
Why is this action being requested?
What is the deadline?

2.)        Written alert (preferred if time allows) may include letter of explanation, fact sheet, list of key legislators to contact, and/or copy of the bill.  Depending on the time factor, the above information may be sent to the entire membership, or to the Regional Legislative Representatives (for distribution to Regional Group membership).

3.)        Telephone alert is initiated by the Legislative Chairperson calling the Telephone Tree Coordinator who, in turn, calls each of the Regional Legislative representatives.  (If the Chairperson is unable to reach the Telephone Tree Coordinator, then he/she should initiate the tree). (See Legislative Alert Form - page 16e)        

2.         Regional Legislative Representatives

a.         Update Regional Legislative Telephone Tree annually in December or January.                  

1.)        Legislative Representative to be the initial contact person for the Telephone Tree.

2.)        An alternate to the initial contact person needs to be designated on the tree.

3.)        Home and work phone numbers, work addresses, and courier numbers need to be included on/or attached to the tree.

4.)        A copy of the undated Regional Telephone Tree is mailed to the State Legislative Chairperson.

b.         Provide a mini-orientation session on the Legislative Alert Process annually in January or February.  This should include (as a minimum):

1.)        Reviews the State and Regional Legislative Alert process.

2.)        Distribute a copy of your Regional Legislative Telephone Tree and Legislative Alert Forms.

a.)        Instruct all telephone tree contacts to continue down the tree until someone is reached, if they cannot reach their designated contact.

b.)        Instruct all members to keep a copy of the telephone tree at home and at work.

c.)        Ask the receiver of the message to repeat information back to you to check the accuracy of the message received.

Note: This orientation may be enhanced in any manner that meets the needs of the Regional Group.

c.         Serve as Regional Legislative Representative at all NCAPHNA Legislative Committee meetings, and provide legislative updates at all regional meetings in order to enhance preparedness for alerts.  (Regional Groups may wish to designate an “alternate” to insure that all regions are represented at all Legislative Committee meetings.)


What is the problem?

What is the House or Senate Bill number?

What will the Bill do?

Where is the Bill?

Who are we to call or write?

What action is being asked of the legislators?

Why is this action being requested?

What is the deadline?

Ask receiver of message to repeat information back to you to check the accuracy of the message received.

What is the problem?

What is the House or Senate Bill number?

What will the Bill do?

Where is the Bill?

Who are we to call or write?

What action is being asked of the legislators?

Why is this action being requested?

What is the deadline?

Ask receiver of message to repeat information back to you to check the accuracy of the message received.