
I.          Membership

A.        The committee shall consist of nine members: the Chairperson who is the Vice President, an assistant Chairperson, the ex-officio OPHN representative, and six (6) members. 

B.        The assistant Chairperson will be elected in the odd years.

C.        The Vice President is elected in even years for a two year term.

D.        Members are elected to serve alternating two year terms:

1.         Three (3) members elected in the even years.
2.         Three (3) members elected in the odd years.

II.        Chairperson

A.        Attend all Governing Board meetings.

B.        Attend the Governing Board meeting which is held immediately after the Annual Conference adjourns.  Solicit ideas for program and theme for the next conference.

C.        Annual Conference Interim activities

1.         Chair the Committee

a.         Select and confirm mutually satisfactory meeting dates, times and places with committee and President.
b.         Prepare the agenda for committee meetings.
c.         Notify the committee members and the President, in writing, of meeting date time and place at least one month prior to meetings.
d.         Request that committee members bring to the meeting ideas for the Annual Conference program.

2.         Develop major theme and design program for the Annual Conference with assistance of the Program Committee.

a.         Guide committee toward decision as to major theme, program and selection of participants.

b.         Prepare and present written reports of program plans with tentative budget to Governing Board meetings for approval.  First report is to be given at the second Governing Board meeting.

c.         Contact program participants selected by the committee.

1.         Be sure to check costs (fees, honorarium).
2.         Obtain “Contract” in writing; may be a letter of acceptance, including their fee and/or other costs.

d.         Request biographical sketches and curriculum vitae of program participants.

e.         Designate committee members to preside at program sessions during the Annual Conference.

f.          Prepare Annual Conference materials with assistance of committee.

1.         Arrange for printing of conference program; submit estimate of costs to the Governing Board prior to contracting for printing.
2.         Prepare draft or program format and send out to committee members and Governing Board for comments  (six months prior to Annual Conference).
3.         Finalize program format and get to printer - allow time for printing and submitting to the Secretary with pre-conference mailing.

g.         Request a copy of presenter(s) papers or materials for the Secretary to keep on file and/or provide copies to members.

III.             Annual Conference Arrangements          

1.                  Check out the meeting rooms to ensure comfort and convenience.

2.                  Assure number and arrangement of chairs and tables.

1.                  Arrange for flip chart, chalk board, etc.

2.                  Designate committee members to preside at program sessions during the Annual Conference.

3.                  Prepare Annual conference materials with assistance of committee.

4.                  Arrange for printing of conference program, submit estimate of     costs to the Governing Board prior to contracting for printing.

5.                  Prepare draft or program format and send out to committee members and Governing Board for comments (six months prior to Annual Conference)

6.                  Finalize program format and get to printer.  Allow time for printing and submitting to Secretary with pre-conference mailing.

7.                  Request a copy of presenter’(s) papers or materials for the Secretary to keep on file and/or provide copies to members.

8.                  Prepare a written report which will include the budget of the Program/Arrangements Committee, for approval by the Governing Board.

9.                  Present a progress report at each meeting of Executive Committee and Governing Board.

IV.             Pre-Conference Arrangements

1.         Plan for the equipment needed for the program: check with presenters and coordinate with the Arrangements Committee.

a.         AV film projector, slide projector, screens, etc.
b.         Flip charts, markers, etc.
c.         Microphones

2.         Prepare with President conference invitation to go out with the pre-conference mailing.

3.         Send pre-conference materials to the Secretary for mailing.

a.         Programs
b.         Conference
c.         Other materials and information

V.                Annual Conference –

1.         Attend Governing Board Meeting the evening before the conference.

2.         Work on final details for the program and conference.

3.         Meet with the Committee the evening before the Annual Conference be review plans and member assignments.

4.         Plan for last minute details or changes.

VI.             Duties

      1.               Plan the theme and content of the program for submission by the Chairperson to the Governing Board for approval at the first Governing Board meeting of the next calendar year.

      2.               Develop a projected budget for the program and present it to the Finance Committee.

VII.          Prepare Program Agenda

1.         Includes total agenda for the Annual Conference; Program and Business Session schedule to be negotiated with the Governing Board.

2.         Conference Program Leaflet

a.         Design appropriate cover to illustrate theme.
b.         Arrange for typing and printing of appropriate number for distribution before and during the conference.  (Check with the Governing Board for approval and number needed.)
c.         Allow 60 days for printing and to get material into pre-conference mailing with Arrangements Committee.  (Pre-conference mailing
            goes out 30 days prior to the meeting).

d.         Identify all program participants on back of the program.
e.         Print an acknowledgment in the program of exhibitors and contributors; a listing of Past Presidents.
VIII.       Extend invitation to guests after clearing with the Governing Board.

IX.             The Chairperson or designated committee member shall preside at program sessions at Annual Conference.

X.                Maintain close communication with the Vice President having joint meetings as needed.

XI.             Post Conference and Planning for Next Year’s Annual Conference

            1.         The conference will be lead by the Vice President.

            2.         Selection of the place and date of the Annual Conference will be decided at the post conference Governing Board meeting.

            3.         As soon as possible after the post conference Governing Board meeting.     Within 30 days, complete the following:

                        a.         Contact the Chamber of Commerce in the city in which the                                                 meeting is planned.   Inquire about:  

            1.         Facilities that would accommodate 150-200 people and                              would have meeting rooms available at no charge.

            2.         Provision of complimentary items for the organization                                  (such as: name tags, hostess badges, brochures,                                             entertainment, typewriter, secretary, etc.).

            b.         Contact several facilities, which could be possible locations, and                             obtain the following information about each one :

                                                1.         Availability of meeting room, at no charge, which could       accommodate 150 – 200 people in classroom style, small            meeting space for 30-50 people, and space for committee    meeting rooms for 15-20 people.
            2.         Availability of space with seating capacity for 150-200
                        people for planned meals.

            3.         Once a decision is made as to location and facility for next                          year’s annual conference, make arrangements with that                                particular facility for: 

                        a.         Block of rooms to be set aside for 150 – 180 people.
                        b.         Complimentary Room.
                        c.         A public address system, microphone (for speaker                                        and audience). 
                        d.         Request a guarantee that it will function on the day                                      of the meeting.
                        f.          Projector and chalkboard will also need to be made                                      available.

4.         Written contracts with facility should include the following information:

5.                  Room rates that can be guaranteed for one year from date of scheduling the meetings or at least a written statement as to what should be expected (regarding room rates, etc.) by the date and year that the meeting is to be held.
6.                  Luncheon menus and prices (facility generally requires advance notice of guarantee).
7.                  Prices per gallon or per person for coffee, hot tea, large cokes, cups, ice, etc.  Inquire as to how many servings per gallon and then figure cost per person.

8.                  Inquire concerning possible menus and prices and take this information to the interim meeting of the Governing Board for menu selection (and then contact facility as to menu selection).

XII.     Interim Activities

            1.         Coordinate lighting and audio-visual equipment that might be needed.

            2.         Arrange with the facility as to area and time for each coffee break (facility will need this information as well as approximate number to expect).

3.         Arrange luncheon entertainment, if indicated.

            4.         Consult with Governing Board regarding gifts for speakers and the amount to be spent and obtain prior approval.

            5.         Arrange with facility for registration space for three days.  Plan for physical set-up with registration table, equipment, posters, lighting, etc.

            6.         Check with the Treasurer and Secretary concerning their possible needs for registration.

7.         If social activity is planned, then make arrangements.

             8.        Develop a projected budget for arrangements and present it to the Finance Committee.

 9.        Maintain close communication with the Program Committee.

            10.       Arrange for the hostess, preferably from the surrounding area where the meeting is held.  Provide written notification to the hostess of the hostess duties.

            11.       Prepare the materials to be sent to members (at least 2-3 months before the Annual Conference).   Include the President and Program Chairperson in the process of preparing materials.

12.       Compose the Annual Conference invitation, giving general information.

13.       Include post cards or forms of intent (to be returned to Chairperson or other designated member) to tally attendance.

14.       Include brochures and motel reservation cards.

XIII.       The Chairperson shall notify the committee members and the President in writing of the meeting date, time, and place.

XIV.       Pre-Conference (Two weeks before Annual Meeting)

1.         Prepare name tags, after consulting with Membership Vice President.

                        2.         Arrange for newspaper coverage and/or television publicity in conjunction with Program Committee.

                        3.         Make arrangements, within the price range decided by the Governing Board, for flowers at the head table. Be sure this flower arrangement does not obstruct the view of the audience.  This arrangement may be used as a door prize on Friday.

                        4.         Secure ribbons to identify candidates, officers, guests, speakers, hostess and guides, as appropriate.

            5.         Make necessary posters, if applicable, to identify:
·                     Speaker’s table
·                     Meeting rooms
·                     Areas for non-smoking and smoking

XV.          Conference

1.         Check to see if seating arrangements and rooms are prepared.

2.            Check on the public address system and other necessary equipment.  (Be
      sure the microphone is operating properly).

3.         Set up registration tables, equipment, signs, lighting, etc.

                        4.         Distribute name tags at registration table.

5.         Distribute hostess ribbons and review hostess responsibilities.

6.         Greet conference presenters.

7.         Make members aware of social activities.

8.         Arrange for transportation to social activities (if needed).

 9.        Assist with registration; distribute name tags, programs, and other printed material.

10. Assist with coffee breaks as needed.

11. Take “emergency kit” to facility site.  This includes items such as scissors, masking tape,
      scotch tape, magic markers, pins (safety and straight), and poster paper.

12. Wrap gifts and give to Program Chairperson.

13. Arrange for flowers to be placed at the head table.

14. Collect bills for facility for coffee breaks and guest rooms.  Present bills to Treasurer.

15. Give special recognition to each new member.